Finding time and motivation to exercise and work out can be tough these days. Trying to stay physically fit in a safe way is even harder.

I’m Heidi and I’m here to tell you it can be done.

As a Westchester personal trainer and life coach, I integrate coaching, sports psychology and fitness training to help you achieve a healthier, more confident YOU! Whether you are looking to improve strength, flexibility or eliminate or alleviate pain, increase your energy, train for a triathlon, or improve your tennis game, I can help.

I’ve coached and trained countless women like you to become stronger both physically and mentally.

My mission is to empower women, 45 years and older, to live a healthier life and to overcome self-criticism. Forget workouts in a gym. As your personal trainer and life coach, the connection we create will have a lasting, positive impact on your life, and you’ll be fitter too because of it!

Personal Training and Coaching


PackagesIf you’re afraid to get back into exercise or start a program because you won’t be able to keep up, or your critical self is getting the better of you and preventing you from taking charge of your body, then we need to talk.

And while it never feels like the “right time” to do any of this, putting things off will only delay feeling and moving better.

And feeling and moving better starts with getting out of your head and letting go of the reasons you can’t, don’t want to or shouldn’t. It’s about incorporating a consistent exercise program with accountability that will transform you into a healthier human being. 

Why sit on the fence…

…..when you can achieve so much more by simply making NOW the time to take action for the better.

…..when putting things off will only delay the process of creating a better YOU!

Don’t let fear hold you back. Starting a fitness program is easier than you think.

From Zoom fitness training to in-home exercise sessions, small group workouts, as well as a combination of personal training and coaching sessions by phone or virtually, you’re sure to find a program here that meets your individual needs.

Get into shape, overcome your own mental barriers and have a healthier life balance.